Introducing GeneratedBy

Introducing GeneratedBy

Introducing GeneratedBy: A Game-Changer for Prompt Engineers and Digital Workers

As a prompt engineer, I quickly reached the limits of using basic tools like Notion and the ChatGPT interface. I realized there had to be a more efficient way to scale my work and enhance my productivity. That's when the idea for GeneratedBy was born.

I noticed that many people who started working with a large number of prompts faced similar challenges, such as copying and pasting between prompts, hitting the character limits with GPT-3.5, managing versions in Notion, manually searching for useful prompt resources, and distributing prompts on marketplaces. GeneratedBy aims to address all these challenges and make prompt engineering more accessible.

Today, we are thrilled to announce the launch of GeneratedBy, an all-in-one platform specifically designed to cater to the needs of prompt engineers and digital workers. Our mission is to simplify and streamline the process of writing, testing, optimizing, and sharing prompts, making it easier for you to stay productive and efficient in your daily tasks.

An image that represents GeneratedBy

The Importance of Learning Prompt Engineering in the Digital World

With the rapid rise of generative AI, the ability to craft effective prompts has become increasingly crucial in the digital workspace. Learning prompt engineering allows professionals to harness the full potential of AI technology, resulting in improved efficiency and more innovative solutions. GeneratedBy is dedicated to making prompt engineering more accessible to digital workers, empowering them to stay ahead in the fast-paced world of technology.

A Day in the Life of a Prompt Engineer: How GeneratedBy Can Help

Meet Jane, a prompt engineer working on a new project. Here's a glimpse into her daily routine and how GeneratedBy supports her workflow:

  1. Prompt Creation: Jane uses GeneratedBy's intuitive prompt editor to effortlessly write and edit her prompts. She can define input variable types and benefit from versioning to keep track of changes and updates.
  2. Prompt Testing: Jane tests her prompts with a tool similar to ChatGPT, which automatically fills in variables for quick testing. She can easily identify areas for improvement and optimization.
  3. Prompt Sharing: Once satisfied with her prompts, Jane makes them accessible to others through various options like conversational agents, web-based forms, or API integration.
  4. Prompt Library: To stay inspired and keep up with industry trends, Jane explores the prompts library provided by the GeneratedBy community and aggregated from various prompt marketplaces.
  5. Browser Extension: While browsing the web, Jane discovers interesting prompts on Twitter and other relevant sources. She adds them to her personal library with just a few clicks using the GeneratedBy browser extension.

By using GeneratedBy, Jane can focus on her creative work without getting bogged down by time-consuming tasks. The platform streamlines her daily routine, allowing her to produce high-quality prompts more efficiently.

An image that showcases Jane's workflow

Key Features of GeneratedBy

Prompt Editor

Our user-friendly interface, inspired by Notion, allows you to effortlessly write and edit prompts. You can define input variable types and benefit from versioning to keep track of changes and updates.

Prompt Testing

We've developed a tool similar to ChatGPT, enabling you to test your prompts with just a few clicks. Variables are automatically filled in, allowing you to quickly identify areas for improvement and optimization.

Prompt Sharing

Make your prompts accessible to others through several options, such as conversational agents, web-based forms, or API integration.

Prompt Library

Explore a public list of prompts for inspiration or to help digital workers get started. Access prompts provided for free by the GeneratedBy community or aggregated from various prompt marketplaces.

Browser Extension

Easily add prompts found on the web, Twitter, or other relevant sources to your personal library with our convenient browser extension.

An image showcasing GeneratedBy's features

Upcoming Features

We're continuously working to enhance GeneratedBy. In the coming months, we will be introducing multi-step prompts and workspace management, further expanding the platform's capabilities.

Join Our Beta Testing Program

We are excited to invite you to participate in the beta testing of GeneratedBy. Your feedback is invaluable, as it helps us refine and improve the platform to better suit your needs. By joining our beta testing program, you'll have the opportunity to explore the platform's features, report bugs, and suggest improvements.

How to Register for Beta Testing

Signing up for our beta testing program is quick and easy. Simply follow these steps:

  1. Visit our website at
  2. Complete the registration form with your name, email address, and a brief description of your background or experience with prompt engineering.
  3. Click "Submit" to send your registration request.

Once your request is reviewed and approved, you will receive an email with further instructions on accessing the beta version of GeneratedBy.

Become a Part of Our Growing Community

In addition to participating in our beta testing program, we invite you to join the GeneratedBy community. Connect with fellow prompt engineers and digital workers, exchange ideas, and share your experiences with the platform. By becoming a part of our community, you will also receive updates on new features, improvements, and events.

To join the GeneratedBy community, simply visit our website at and sign up for our newsletter.

An image representing the GeneratedBy community


At GeneratedBy, we are committed to providing prompt engineers and digital workers with the tools they need to excel in their daily tasks. We believe that our all-in-one platform has the potential to revolutionize the way you work with prompts, and we are eager to see how you make the most of it.

Sign Up for Beta Testing